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McGuigan Estate Shiraz 750ml

This Shiraz is a rich and spicy, full-bodied wine that fills the mouth with blackberries and pepper. Enjoy with roast beef or the Australian classic, a BBQ.

McGuigan Private Bin Shiraz 750ml

The Private Bin series has been inspired by the McGuigan family tradition to always share a special family wine with their guest. This Shiraz features delightful dark cherry and plum aromas integrated with some smoky vanillin characters and cinnamon from the oak. The wine has a good mouth feel with both cherry and plum flavours with a peppery spice.

Mt. Monster Shiraz 750ml

Deep purple in colour. Ripe cassis and black plum fruits on the nose with violets. Varietal fruit-driven palate, with cassis and dark-berry fruit and spice flavours. Soft tannins complement the fruit with mouth-filling generous finish.

Pauletts Andreas Shiraz 750ml

Rich, concentrated and mouth coating, showing plum and dark cherry supported by underlying chocolate and vanilla. Fine tannins, elegant structure balance and length.

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz 750ml

A steely and slatey texture with subtle oak tones beneath the spice and berries.

Penfolds Koonunga Hill Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Named after one of Penfolds Barossa Valley vineyards, Koonunga Hill is a reflection of the Penfolds winemaking style and philosophy - offering richness, balance and lasting quality.

Penfolds Max's Shiraz 750ml

Penfolds Max's Shiraz is a tribute to former Chief Winemaker Max Schubert 1948-1975, a legend in Penfolds history. Max's constant pursuit of excellence paved the way for those who followed in his footsteps and also allowed the status and heritage of Penfolds to grow. A contemporary offering of South Australian Shiraz, this release provides a fruit-driven wine which is generous in flavour and persistent across the palate.

Pepperjack Shiraz 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Pepperjack Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Pepperjack is a tribute to the Barossa's rich heritage. Traditional wine making techniques combined with an eye to modern styles led to this range of wine. The Pepperjack wines are rich, honest and vibrant in style - showcasing the Barossa's outstanding qualities. Includes Shiraz, Cabernet Sauvignon.

Peter Lehmann Futures Shiraz 750ml

Deep red in colour and coupled by notes of dark fruits, chocolate and liquorice, with charred oak and a long finish. The intense fruit flavours are integrated perfectly, creating an approachable and supple wine that can benefit from cellaring.

Peter Lehmann Stonewell Shiraz 750ml

Fermented and macerated on skins for up to 2 weeks with some partial barrel fermentation. Following pressing and clarification, the wine was matured in French oak hogsheads for approximately 18 months. Full bodied, classic Stonewell with massive density and length. Classic blue and black fruits with ironstone and graphite tannins. A long life ahead, one of the all-time classic Stonewell's.

Peter Lehmann The Barossan Shiraz 750ml

True to what the region has come to be known for ‘The Barossan’ is a quintessential expression of Barossa Shiraz.
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